Friday, October 25, 2013


Now that I’ve decided not to drop out of art school, work has resumed on my thesis.


Proto 2A et Proto 2B


The conceptual work for these iterations of my work is more or less complete. I reworked all of the variables from Proto 1 and removed the obsolete functions. I have simplified the formulas for Proto 2 and removed all of the trig functions that do not pertain to the angle generators. My reason behind this decision was to make this version closer to what I have envisioned as a final product. While the trig functions were nice as they are easy to set and always yield a result within a predefined range, they do not yield the precise control that I will require for future versions.

In the past I would create a function to produce something at a given point such as a part. Once I have the function which uses the variable which I want the size of the part to be dependent on, I would plug that function into a trig function and set the trig function so that all the parts will fall within a given range. This ensures that I do not have parts that are too large or too small to work with.

For Proto 2 I have replaced most of the trig equations with (1/x)^(1/n) and x^(1/n) with x being the formula that yields a value that is dependent on what I what that value to be dependent on (i.e.: the distance to the origin). In this case, n is set to a certain constant that controls the range of possible answers. This new limitation formula is slightly more challenge to control as I am now setting the curve of the graph of the function to a specific slope. In other words, I want the output to change at a certain rate depending on the input.

Proto 2 will be more simplistic mathematically. I hope by doing this I will be able to build on it with less difficulty in later iterations. The later versions will be far more complicated as they would have to be. The math required for Proto 2 will be predominantly algebra and trig. Proto 2A will probably feature the angle generators from Proto 1 (which use single variable calculus) as I am still working on trying to create a more advanced version of angle generators (this is the one problem that has plagued me for months and I have even gone so far as to try to repurpose equations from quantum mechanics (not that my attempts were all that viable)). I won’t install my latest experimental angle generator until Proto 3.

Proto 2A, as stated, will use the angle generators from Proto 1. It will also use the new variable, Energy, as well as the revised formulas and the new limitation equation (which will need to be refined down the road).

Proto 2B will use a random number generator to create the angles. Excluding the angle generators, it will mirror Proto 2A

The purpose of Proto 2 is to determine the effectiveness of my new variables and revised formulas. It will also allow me to test how much control I want over the angles of a piece by exploring two extremes, total control and no control.

I will add a status report as well as a photo once the first module of each piece is complete. These two pieces will be completed by 11/15/2013. To achieve that, Energy, which acts as a limitation for the piece in its entirety, will be set to a relatively low value. This will be the first time one of my pieces has a set overall limit that is predefined by a mathematic value instead of creating a piece that could go on forever and just stopping after long term trends become predictable.


As long as I can remain devoid of any and all emotion, I should have the first modules done by Tuesday.


On a completely unrelated note, I have yet another plaster piece polluting the floor of my studio.  




Friday, October 18, 2013


I made a piece for the show which crumbled into dust. I made another piece as a substitute. It broke when I tried to move it to CSB. It’s supposed to by a representation of myself so it’s fitting that it’s completely fucked up and looks like shit. If I’m too incompetent to make even the simplest of pieces then I probably shouldn’t be making art.

If my substitute piece is unable to be shown due to the quality or the fact that I am unable to deliver what I initially promised then I guess I won’t show anything this year. At this point I'm fed up and am half tempted to dispose of that piece. I'll let my peers decide for themselves what will become of that piece. I will not be around to defend nor condemn it.
I have a third collection of work that I do not consider to be art. It is composed of the failures which I have destroyed.

Monday, October 7, 2013


As of late I have been quiet about my thesis (which is referred to as the great project in my notes due to the fact that it will take me much of my life to perfect). This lack of information is due to the fact that production has stalled over the past week due to unavoidable distractions. By distractions I am referring to the fact that plaster dust prevents the glue that I use to make my prototypes from working and so I have been trying to clean my studio as it is a plaster hellhole. I may have trashed my studio in a fit of rage last week and somehow spawned a piece I call Rot.




This piece is the newest addition to my little menagerie of nightmares and travesties. Every so often I create a piece based on irrationality. Maybe this is a byproduct of my rational work? I don’t actually know why I keep making these things but I have to maintain a certain level of discipline to keep myself from filling the world with them.



Since I have been tasked with fabricating a piece that has to do with time I am at an impasse.


 I could find some systematic, orderly way to represent the passage of time through an abstract representation of the infinitely expanding universe.   


 I could also fixate on time as the ultimate destroyer which will devour and erase every trace of one’s existence leaving nothing behind.


I am fully committed to both yet both cannot exist simultaneously. Order rejects chaos. The irrational corrupts the rational. I am one or the other, not both and certainly not at the same time. My attempts to force a merger only work in simplistic pieces that have my entire body of work to fall back on.

 We'll see which side wins on Thursday.....