Friday, September 13, 2013


What I have been working on over the past week.



Aside from e-mailing only one of our professors a link to my blog and failing the first assignment as a result, I have been busy trying to figure out how to explain my project to people who either don’t understand and/or don’t care about the math I use. I can say this because last semester I managed to bore the hell out of my fellow classmates in a twenty minute lecture on the formulas behind this project (mostly to get back at them for having to sit through all of their presentations). My basic idea is this: what if I created a series of rules and mathematical functions which govern the appearance and construction of an object. I was actually hoping create the equivalent to my own universe which runs on my laws as supposed to the laws of physics but I figured I would start with this abstract representation of said imaginary universe. Currently I am trying to teach my piece to grow properly in a vacuum – (by vacuum I mean that the piece is only affected by itself and not my gravity, the furniture in the room the piece occupied etc.). Once the piece response to itself and can actually survive and thrive in a vacuum, I’ll teach it to grow in a room. Hopefully one day it will be complex enough that I will be able to place one in any environment and it will utilize the space and all available resources in the best possible manner. This will likely take many years and the right computer software and I obviously don’t have the time to program it in right now so for this year I’m settling for making it grow in a vacuum.


Next week I hope to make a video to better explain what I am trying to do.



Prototype 0 – Purpose: to test the concept of advanced math based art and to determine the feasibility of such a project. Current Status- Data table intact, log book intact, prototype destroyed during relocation.

I messed up on the angle generator equations to for Proto0, all the angles where one of two values. I also cut this piece off at module 15 but it could have grown in one direction forever.


Prototype 1- Purpose: To refine the angle generator equations and anchor generator equations. Current Status- Data table missing, Log book intact, prototype destroyed during relocation.

 Note: each module in Proto1 is a different color.



to be continued….

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